Owl, Hummingbird & Multiplex

Daily #255

Hey there,

So earlier this morning, I woke up at around 5am.

I had a crazy vivid dream that I had to record.

In a nut-shell, I dreamt about a bat in a room, which eventually flew out into the house, and turned into a bird with an owl head and hummingbird body.

I turned to MidJourney and AI to recreate what I saw. Here it is:

I felt the need to get this bird out of the house, even though I was frightened at first. I opened the main entrance door to the house, and stepped outside, signalling it to follow me.

This magnificent creature stayed suspended in mid-air, right before the door, looking straight into my eyes with those bright yellow eyes.

Once I locked on, acknowledging it, it then left the house graciously. I ran inside, locked the door, and watched it fly up and left, high into the sky.


I of course dug into the symbolism and here’s what I interpreted (will paraphrase a lot):

  1. Bat (whenever it comes to me) often signals a time for big change

  2. Owl represents wisdom and intuition

  3. Hummingbird represents joy, energy, and agility

  4. The three together signalled that it is time for me to leave “the house” (one of my clients — an organization), but not without first speaking my truth (wisdom/intuition) to those with the ears to hear, and “eyes to see.”

  5. Once my “wisdom” is shared, then leave “the house” graciously

  6. When out, the “sky is the limit”

Astrologically, there’s also an energy over the next month that’s about “freedom and curiosity.” While looking into those owl eyes, I felt an inner creativity wanting to expressed as well. Rooted in all this interest I have in ancient cultures and wisdom.

The “Digital Wayfinder” continues to evolve and emerge.

If you are still following my posts, there will be something for you too here over time.

PS. I recently joined Multiplex. The guy who runs it, Brian, was recently in an interview with Jordan B. Peterson. Interestingly, Brian brought up a lot of topics I’ve mentioned in my newsletters to you — but in the context of emerging technologies, on a broader stage. Brian talks about having your own “wisdom keeper” with personal AI’s. I’ll keep you updated with what I learn in his community.

Until tomorrow fellow wayfinder, remember: it will come.


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