Love, Truth & AI

Daily #250

Hey there,

Sorry for the delay today, but this one is a bit more lengthy than usual. Only because the topic’s an interesting one.

So yesterday, I stumbled upon this article:

Based on what I read, there are four ways to think about the truth:

  • Truth as correspondence: This is the idea that the truth is what corresponds to reality.

  • Truth as coherence: This is the idea that the truth is what is consistent with other beliefs.

  • Truth as consensus: This is the idea that the truth is what is agreed upon by a group of people.

  • Truth as pragmatism: This is the idea that the truth is what is useful or works.

There is a new AI model called TruthGPT that can generate coherent and consistent text with other beliefs. The platform is still under development, but it has the potential to revolutionize the way we think about truth.

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