Granath v. Wright & Dark Waters

Daily #096

Happy Monday !

Hope you had a chance to read my weekly newsletter 5 Ways to Improve Your Life & Work Today Using Traditional Sāmoan Rhetoric.

Today is a bit of a short one, only because of a court case that's currently underway in Norway: Granath v. Wright.

If you're not familiar with the names, Granath is a (recently doxxed) Norwegian teacher behind an anonymous Twitter account (@hodlonaut). Wright is Dr. Craig S. Wright, the "notorious" figure who was forced out in 2015 as the person behind Satoshi Nakamoto and, subsequently, Bitcoin.

This follows on from a few other court cases, including Wright v. McCormack (London 2022) and Kleiman v. Wright (Miami 2021).

The Miami trial was probably the "juicier" of the two since billions of dollars worth of Bitcoin were at stake.

Since there are two (or more) sides to every story, you can read the two main sides here and here.

Today, there was a live tweet stream of the case. Again, it's fascinating to see how people can report on the same event, but with completely different tones and interpretations.

For those following Wright, see here. For those following Granath, see here.

There will be a live video recap at 12pm CST, which you can view using this link (or click on the video below):

Why I'm Interested

Most people couldn't care less about these types of trials. But the thing is, a lot of these trials shape entire industries and ecosystems. Because every case that is won or lost sets a precedent for subsequent cases. And Bitcoin (both as a system and cultural movement) is certainly shaking up things globally.

I was reminded of this after watching a movie last night called Dark Waters, which is about a decades-long fight between a lawyer (Rob Bilott), a town in West Virginia, and a billion-dollar chemicals company called DuPont (who invented Teflon - yep, that Teflon with the non-stick pans advertised in the '70s to "liberate women everywhere" 🙄).

The main story is that DuPont knowingly poisoned people using a man-made "forever chemical" called PFOA (or C-8) as far back as the 1970s. However, in the late 90s, there were reports from farmers about their animals - and then even their own families - getting sicker and sicker due to seemingly poisoned water streams.

It turned out DuPont had bought out a landfill and dumped massive quantities of PFOA (an unknown compound at the time, so no regulations) into this area, which subsequently seeped into the environment and poisoned everyone around over decades.

Not only that but because the chemical has been used in most of its products, it is purported that 99% of us probably have PFOA in our bloodstream already. As a result, a lot of illnesses such as cancer, kidney/liver issues, etc. can be traced back to the use of products containing PFOA. And because of greed, profits mattered more than human lives.

You can read more of the story, which definitely should be shared, here:

The question now is, what can any of us do about this? Everything starts with being informed and educated. Only then we can start to figure out possible solutions.

In relation to the Granath v. Wright case, we will have to wait and see what ramifications any of this will have on the future of Bitcoin.

Until tomorrow fellow wayfinder, remember: it will come.

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