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  • Chanakya, India's forgotten "Machiavelli" [Part 1]

Chanakya, India's forgotten "Machiavelli" [Part 1]

Daily #097

Mornin' there 👋 

For the rest of this week, I'm going to talk about a long-forgotten political scientist, strategist, and statesman from India, Chanakya

Sidenote: I used "Machiavelli" in this title's post because it is how most Western audiences link the two, but it's not entirely accurate. Niccolò Machiavelli, the famous Italian known for his treatise, The Prince, came centuries after Chanakya. He also only covered a fraction of what Chanakya covered during his time. 

I've chosen Chanakya (also known as Kautilya) because I'm increasingly fascinated by how much history is lost when only looking at Western, English literature. At school, I was taught "World History" through an American/European lens. It was not until after I graduated that I then discovered facts like how:

  1. The Mongols ruled almost half the world at one point in time

  2. An African (Nubian) empire known as Kush held immense wealth for centuries

  3. Japan had its own "Adam Smith" called Taguchi Ukichi during the late 19th century

But how does this relate to my career as an entrepreneurial community-builder in the blockchain space? Or even as a One-Person Business (OPB)? Well...

  1. By studying history and leaders from the past, I get to explore ways in which they led, managed, and inspired groups of people

  2. I find opportunities to apply old lessons in new ways

  3. I honor my own great grandfather's prophecy about "future generations seeking out the old ways again"

So before I dive in deeper, check out this video giving a summary of Chanakya's life (below):

Over the week, I'll provide my own analysis and connections for entrepreneurs and community-builders.

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