AI, SEO & Community-Driven Content in 2024

Daily #357 | What you need to know about Search Optimized Marketing

So, I've noticed changes in the SEO game and how AI impacts search. I learned from Cody Schneider about using AI to increase content output for niche sites. He shared on the Millennial Investor podcast how AI impacts search and that there's a 12-18 month window to utilize some techniques he's working on.

I also came across a post from The Boring Marketer discussing dramatic differences in LinkedIn's SEO analytics. LinkedIn has been inviting specialists to contribute articles, resulting in organic traffic growth over the last five years. Thanks to their collaborative article feature, LinkedIn articles are appearing more often in Google search.

The Boring Marketer says community-driven content is blowing up in search, with websites that have user-generated content skyrocketing, including LinkedIn, TikTok, and Quora. Community-driven content is the future of SEO due to expertise, perspective, trust, and authenticity. This is important as AI-driven content becomes more accessible.

In the blockchain space, AI and micropayments could become powerful together. Large language models scrape the internet for free data to train their models. Experts must protect their data and IP by uploading their knowledge into a private database and leverage personalized AI on top of that.

Jody Cook has an AI coach chatbot service called CoachVox, where users can upload their knowledge for a personalized chatbot experience. As AI systems replicate authenticity, community-driven content will be crucial for SEO.

The Boring Marketer also mentions more platforms provide more signals and opportunities. Short-form videos like TikTok and YouTube shorts are popping up in Google search results, making them worth considering for your search strategy.

Why is this happening? The authenticity boost comes from quick info consumption, high-quality content getting indexed, crawled URL dominance, positive engagement, and user experience.

Community and creator-driven content have authority and credibility because Google prioritizes these voices.

Recent updates have been great for communities. I like calling them "micro empiresā€ these days, but "community" still works too of course.

So, how does this affect you as a modern micropreneur? Well, search engine optimization is now more like search optimized marketing.

Think about your ideal customer's questions and answer them in natural ways across platforms. Repurpose your content in a meaningful way and engage with niche communities like Reddit or build audiences on TikTok, YouTube, and LinkedIn.

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